Sunday, July 31, 2005

Entertainment for the ride home. Posted by Picasa

An attempt to hide from the camera didn't quite work. Posted by Picasa

Funny face photo ... showing off silly smiles with 3 (yes, THREE!) teeth missing! Posted by Picasa

Cheddar's passed their acceptable 18-minute food delivery time and brought free desserts. This one was HUGE ... and I'm wondering if it inspired the strange light squiggle!!! (It was a fun time in Springfield, MO - we got together with my cousin.) Posted by Picasa

Nightfall was just as beautiful on our river cruise. Posted by Picasa

Just something about being on a riverboat!! Posted by Picasa

The sunset was beautiful on the river. Posted by Picasa

We were entertained by talking dogs! Posted by Picasa

My special birthday treat? A night on the Branson Belle riverboat! Posted by Picasa

What was supposed to provide hilarious video footage turned out to be an amazing display of deft driving! She took Grandpa Byrne's advice to heart and instead of weaving all over the road, she drove perfectly! Posted by Picasa

Billy Bob's was a treat for all of us ... well, most of us! This place was featured on Food Network and hailed by the Oak Ridge Boys as the place with the best burgers in Branson! Posted by Picasa

A birthday celebration for ... ummm ... ME! Posted by Picasa

We had a wild, impromptu photoshoot! Posted by Picasa

We found a whole pile of kittens! Posted by Picasa

My little one with a little one. Posted by Picasa

Pre-Fouth Celebration Posted by Picasa

Favorite pastime of the kids ... helping Grandma in the kitchen. Posted by Picasa

Sunset on the river. Posted by Picasa

Little Boater Posted by Picasa

Our feet on the river. Posted by Picasa

Kids on the river. Posted by Picasa

We packed to the max ... the kids are off for a big month-long adventure! First week: AFCM International Family Reunion. Next Two Weeks: Grandma and Grandpa; Youth Camp for Jeremy in MN. Last Week: I return for a birthday week in Branson! Posted by Picasa

One Little Light

  Christmas--the first in my "Iona House"--was different than I anticipated. If not for the candlelight portion of the previous Su...