Friday, December 26, 2008

Chin up and fly out!

Get a million things done. Hurry up and wait. Keep the tears at bay and say "I love you." Be strong and smile as much as possible while trying to curb the motherly advice just a tad. Send them off and go find a place to cry. I am a mom.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Two Brothers

This is one of the few times I feel short. They are both 6' 5" and make me feel just a bit dwarfish!
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Uncles ...

Other than gifts, I think uncles are the next biggest highlight of Christmas for my little one.
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Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Happiness by ice!

I wish you could see the big huge smile as she gleefully scrapes the first ice of winter. Funny kid!
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Saturday, December 06, 2008

Look who we found!

This is one way to see family ... community parades!
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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Balloons and Cell Phones and Shows ... Oh my!

After a little hike to go see the parade balloons being inflated (massive!), we found the Hummus Place (mint sweet tea even ... My Greek people! My Greek people!) and are now waiting for Spamalot! Woohoo!
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Long Johns

Haven't seen these forever! I really love the button up poo chute. Hehehe!
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A New York Tradition

What could be more traditional than seeing the Rockettes Christmas show? This was my first time to see the legendary legs. We enjoyed a WONDERFUL show (believe it or not, I cried during the Christmas story) and the freedom to take photos without a flash. I LOVED THAT!
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Radio City Music Hall

We wait for tickets and take in the city. It's my first time to see the Rockettes!
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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

Flying Up!

I am glad I have a camera phone ... I can share things like this in an instant! My little Brownie became a Junior tonight!
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Sunday, October 19, 2008

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Good Morning

Accidentally waking early has its advantages ... I had time to shoot a few photos of the flowers that have been gracing the early hours.
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Saturday, October 04, 2008

Tulsa State Fair

What could be better at the state fair than rides at night time? Our adventure (me and two eight year old girls) was enough to both wear me out and energize me at the same time. For them? I think EVERYTHING energizes them. We truly had a good time. Some more photos are on the web album below:
Tulsa State Fair 2008
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dog Nights

I am a delinquent ... I have been too busy to keep up my blog. Kids are growing. Dogs are growing (well, Hank is). He is officially big because little M can't pick him up. He's just over 4 months old and weights 40 pounds, according to the vet. He's almost as big as Daisy! His feet still look huge, so I am guessing he will be a big dog. I just saw this picture of him from at least 2 months ago and it made me smile. He is sleeping by my feet now as I type away on the computer.
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Saturday, September 06, 2008

My quiet seat winner!

How fun ... I got to be in the room to see my little one get the elusive Quiet Seat Prize!
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Thursday, September 04, 2008

Little Red Litterer

Following a major litterer ... Ugh. I have just experienced the leftovers of an entire meal flying back at me piece by piece. Not only is it nasty and lazy but illegal (at least in some states - Oklahoma?)! Can I make a citizen's arrest?
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Monday, September 01, 2008

Labor Day ... NOT!

I know that Labor Day isn't about laboring ... and we certainly chose one of the best places to take it easy. This is one of the blessings of being a professional Girl Scout. Little M and I spent the holiday weekend at one of our camps. Little M is a LITTLE ME! I got a kick out of this. I could hit rewind on my life and picture myself in her shoes. Then again, I don't have to hit rewind ... that is exactly me right there, right now!
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Sunday, August 31, 2008

A holiday weekend ... what better way to spend it than out in nature with family?
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Saturday, August 30, 2008


The first game was FUN ... But I have to admit my favorite story came from little Mr. A about his teammate Charlie who only likes to play in the dirt.
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The latest venture is cheerleading ... and this nimble little critter is diving right in! She won an award for "most spirit" at the first game.
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This not-so-nimble creature looked a little out of place on the cheer squad!
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Tuesday, August 26, 2008

My new special place ...

Lookee what I found! This could very well be my happy place. Hello, Tuesday nights!
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Saturday, August 23, 2008

Pearl Jam

The lead singer of Pearl Jam sang the star spangled banner at a Cubs game. Of course, I have to be a stalker and see how many pictures I can get. I think I may have caught him nearly picking his nose (or was that someone else) but I don't want to go through the piles of photos (actually, he's quite tiny even with my 300mm lens in the full photos) trying to find it! Forgive me for not keeping tabs ... but I'm not one to always remember who's who. Eddie is all I know!
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I am so curious ... I will have to check this out. Evidently they are on a scavenger hunt and filming things with their Palms.
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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Dinner at Benali's

Mmmmmmm! It's a night for the girls! We are celebrating a friend's birthday Italian style.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Horse, of course!

The smile says it all ... she'a a regular cowgirl now. I wish I had time to put together the photo album now. Eventually, I will. She is riding like a little pro!!
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My little cowgirl!

Look at her! I am so proud. She just works like a little trooper and I can't wait to watch her on the horse after she is done grooming.
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Monday, August 11, 2008

Future Fantasy Suite

I have this "thing" about living in a silo ... Maybe a string of wi-fi Bed and Breakfast locations across the prairie! Now that would be awesome.
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Saturday, August 09, 2008

One Little Light

  Christmas--the first in my "Iona House"--was different than I anticipated. If not for the candlelight portion of the previous Su...