Saturday, September 30, 2006

We had a little visitor today ... this mama dog from somewhere in the neighborhood (we think) showed up while the neighbors were here with their dogs. She was limping and thirsty and also let herself in when the door was open. She stayed with us a while ... sniffed everything, gave plenty of kisses, slept at my feet, and just made herself at home until we could find someone who thinks they know where she belongs! Of course, we already miss her. Wah! Posted by Picasa

The sunset last night was beautiful. While I was on the phone, I stepped out into the back yard. The clouds were becoming like cotton candy and I went to get my camera. At one point, I looked over my shoulder and saw these amazing clouds near the sun. They were like fire! Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 29, 2006

Last night was baptism night at our new church. They do things a little different here ... and I am enjoying it! The pastor is very REAL (which I love) and has a way of approaching things that I really enjoy. I liked how the baptism service was held. There was no microphone in "the tank" and it wasn't a lot of pressure for those being baptized because the music kept going the whole time while people sang and cheered for each one. Like many things I'm finding here, it's relaxed. That's a VERY wonderful thing for all of us. Posted by Picasa

Look who got baptized (by her children's pastor at church)! She was the first one of the night and said she was nervous because no one else went ahead of her. But she did a GREAT job and was very composed. Tears came to my eyes, of course. Baptisms in general are one of my favorite things ... but when it's my little one? WOW. It's VERY special. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, September 28, 2006

I've said it before, and I'll say it again ... Oklahoma has AMAZING skies! Now if I could just move that Wal-Mart! Posted by Picasa

Things in my yard ... it's amazing how much is out there!  Posted by Picasa

I don't LIKE these types of things, but I am rather addicted to my camera and cannot seem to resist trying to get pictures!  Posted by Picasa

New Web Albums ...

I'm trying something new (because it's fairly easy) ... Since I always have so many more photos than I can ever post on my blog without wearing out my loved ones, I may put a web album online from time to time. I've become accustomed to using Picasa because it's free (WOOHOO!) and easy to post to my blog. Now they offer web albums, so it's easy for me to make albums!

Here's my first attempt! I thought I'd put a collection of favorites from Morton Arboretum (location of a photo shoot last May) online. It's just a bunch of flowers!

May 25, 2006 - 53 Photos

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

During a side trip to a little farm museum, I took a bunch of pictures of some very tiny chicken-type animals. They were quite cute! But I realized I didn't clear my card from the day before, so I "protected" the new ones and deleted ... but it took ALL the photos! I was so sad. I am trying to convince myself that this shot makes up for the ones I lost. I kept trying to catch this bee and my camera couldn't make up its mind to focus on these spindly blooms ... FINALLY, it snapped as the bee was leaving. Posted by Picasa

During one trek through the forest, K saw this ... weird! By the way, I found out that mushrooms come in MANY colors. I saw purple, red, and yellow in this forest (along with the "usual" white and tan colors). They were VIBRANT and I was quite surprised! Posted by Picasa

The latest adventure brought us to the Smoky Mountains ... or as I have learned this weekend, the "GREAT SMOKIES" as locals call them. Posted by Picasa

This is a more frightening moment of the recent TN/NC adventure ... Blue Ridge Parkway at night. It wasn't so bad when it was just dark, but when the fog factor was added? WOW. We were in the mountains after dark for some time and were SO THANKFUL when we were able to get off that thing! Posted by Picasa

This is one of the coolest things I've ever seen! It's called "Sliding Rock" and that's exactly what it is. You can pay $1 (free if you're 6 or under) and then slide down this rock in the river! It's like a natural water park in the Pisgah National Forest. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We had another special guest tonight (this makes 3 events at our house within 4 days)! Kevin's mom came for supper and brought a very sweet gift ... these are "O'Henry" peaches! Posted by Picasa

I may start a flag photo collection one day (this one from the football field). Sometimes it's too easy to overlook these symbols of freedom, bravery and spirit. Posted by Picasa

A friend from Chicago was in town, so we had to treat her to a HUGE Oklahoma obsession ... FOOTBALL! Notice the Palm? She is SO connected. She puts me to shame! Posted by Picasa

This is where my son can forget the things I told him ... keep your hands to yourself, be nice, don't push.  Posted by Picasa

We saw interesting things in the sky. This was only one of many! Posted by Picasa

And ... three more! Planes, birds, and balloons!!! Posted by Picasa

Little one showed her stuff on the sidelines. Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 18, 2006

Today was the day of football in honor of my son's birthday. Yes, we're about two weeks off. But hey, we FINALLY did it! Posted by Picasa

The haircut ... I think it has made her feel spunky! She hasn't stopped running or bouncing or flipping since the locks were cropped yesterday! Posted by Picasa

Football is such a violent sport! Maybe it's a guy thing, but these two actually thought this was FUN! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 17, 2006

In case you didn't know ... cookies are one of the most amazing things on the planet. You just can't get enough of them! Posted by Picasa

My cousin and her family came over today ... it was AWESOME to have a house full of voices that weren't just those of myself and my kids! Notice the TWINS? Hilarious ... both climbing the same way ... jeans rolled up? I have to laugh at that! (btw - photo credit goes to my wonderful K for this one, he played photo spy for me while I talked with my cousin. A big MWAH to him!) Posted by Picasa

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Can you guess what this is? If any of you have been following my curiosity on the blog, you might actually have a pretty good idea! Posted by Picasa

One Little Light

  Christmas--the first in my "Iona House"--was different than I anticipated. If not for the candlelight portion of the previous Su...