Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wannabe Hasbeens

He might be the Wannabe ...

I could be the Hasbeen ...

It was a treat to see the Wannabe Hasbeens in so many ways! Chris hasn't changed much at all it seems, same goes for Lori. How they got kids who are practically grown is beyond me! It's great to see the same heart in someone who was so influential in my life so long ago. I have to admit, some of it brought some tears ... but mostly from regrets. Not in a professional sense, but more in a personal one. The greatest being that I didn't listen. I could have saved myself a lot of heartache if I had let some words he spoke sink in!

But enough about that ... the great part? I got to introduce my fiance' to everyone - and by everyone, I mean not just Chris and Lori but two more blasts from the past: Mark and Kelly. It was practically like old times except we're all grown up and have kids! LOL ... so, no, it wasn't old times but it sure was nice to see people I haven't seen for at least 10 years and haven't been able to hang out with for probably more like 17!

Wannabe Hasbeens
My photos from the night (above) ... plus a video clip they posted on YouTube:

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Birthday ... Bears ... and Byrne!

How cute ... cousins and friends gathered for a party at Build-A-Bear, and they each took two hearts (here they are rubbing them on their cheeks for lots of smiles) and put one inside the birthday girl's bear and one in their own. But what does Byrne have to do with it? He's in the picture! HA! Anyway, my little one got to spend the weekend with grandparents AND have a bear birthday. What could be better?
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Trash! Glorious Trash!

Dumpster diving at sunset ...

It's enough to make you want to dance!

Unless you're a teenager. Then you just want to disappear.
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Thank God for Sunroofs!

Cameras handy ... we kind of chased this guy down (he was going in our direction anyway). I'm trying to drive and coach my kids how to get a photo of the thing in the sky. It was interesting to see the response. Little M was excited and encouraging to J. J complained about everything saying he couldn't do it. And I finally grabbed the thing and stuck it through the roof to at least attempt to get a photo before he got away! Maybe I am a real photographer!
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Saturday, October 06, 2007

One Little Light

  Christmas--the first in my "Iona House"--was different than I anticipated. If not for the candlelight portion of the previous Su...