Saturday, January 31, 2009

Smart Girl Scouts!

It's Chess Tournament time! True to form, Girl Scouts have a strong presence. Even within out own little troop, it only took minutes for 3 of them to find each other ... And we are still looking for a 4th who was here last year.

My own little one has been trying to figure out how to beat the "castling move" and I don't even know what that is. These little girls are so smart!
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Life Blows By ...

It all happens so quickly ... life happens. Good things. Hard things. Important things. Beautiful things. Really HARD things. No matter how long the unfavorable circumstances seem to drag on and on, looking back feels like the wind. I can only pray that I can look back on moments like this and feel the same way.

Today I am lamenting. I am angry, too. And I wish I had the words to explain in ways that the world opposite from me could understand. But it would take a book. I have searched my brain for a suitable summary but can find none that is adequate beyond a diatribe.

I try to step back and realize that most of us never intended to be where we are today. I try to accept the fact that every individual has his or her own sense of reality. But when the past, present, and future collide and perspectives are imbalanced ... it all jams up in the middle like an old typewriter. No one's story is seen or heard. Well, I take that back. The loudest, angriest and most selfish voices get heard. And unfortunately, it is the ones who try the hardest to lessen the hurt who are hammered on the most.

The jam up seems so unfair. It's not uncommon. Just unfair. As the years roll by, I begin to understand how people can be bitter. But I understand it anew ... it's not just by being wronged. We have all been wronged. It comes (and feels rightly so) when having to have prolonged dealings with those people who are completely unyielding and cannot see a perspective other than their own hurt.

There was a time when I was extremely compassionate towards people locked in such a quandry ... hurt and hurting others. Down deep, I know I still do, but I think I have started to "qualify" it first. I am finding that it does no good to be understanding when it is a one-way street. In fact, I am shocked by how often the one who offers understanding not only does not receive it in reciprocation but rather like an inmate, those things that could have been a constructive instrument have been fashioned into a weapon and used against the one who held out his or her hand in the first place.

When I see someone wielding that weapon or hear someone squawking about all the things that others have done to them, instead of immediate compassion, I now feel suspicion. I don't take it at face value. I've seen too many things too closely that make me wonder what the REAL story is. I'm more tempted to examine the squawker! Does anyone see the years they caused heartache or sucked the life out of the one they claims hurt them? Does anyone know about all of the attempts toward healing that the squawker thwarted? Does anyone ever realize that the one playing the victim is simply doing what they do best - making sure everyone else is at fault? Never has the thought been more poigniant: When you point a finger at someone, you have three more pointing back at you.

Yes, I have been hurt ... extremely so. So in many ways I understand. I have my own squawking moments, too. I'm sure everyone does. But one thing I can say for myself that I can't always say for others is that I do actually try and understand. In fact, what has hurt me more than anything is understanding too much. And my greatest regret at times is that I haven't tossed it aside and been the first one to the squawking block. But you know what? I don't WANT to live like that. I crave truth. I crave harmony. I crave peace. I crave understanding. I crave transparency. And I crave it to my own hurt.

So on it goes ... selfish people consuming others and blaming them for it.

Whether I am the audience or the target, I can say that my heart aches most when I can do nothing to stop the cycle and the pain oozes through the ones I love. And I pray for it to end, knowing that it might take a miracle. And I plead with invisible voices, "Hasn't there been enough hurt already?" And I know that the toll will be felt by all, and probably the most innocent among us will hurt the most.

But at the same time, it strengthens my resolve to not let myself fall to circumstance. It shakes me enough to snap me out of whatever pity party may have been trying to cloak my shoulders. And I see how fortunate I am even amidst my own challenging circumstances. Yes, there has been enough hurt already. And tomorrow, I hope I can mark it with joy and appreciation and love. Instead of wind rushing through ... I will be looking for the breath of fresh air.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Radio Star Girl Scout

School is closed (weather*) so my daughter got to be a radio personality today! She joined our PR Stars (a program I have for a group of top cookie-selling Girl Scouts) for an interview and ROCKED IT! They had each girl "knock" and try to sell them cookies. She was first and had a tough question: "I already bought 20 boxes, why should I buy any more?" Little M didn't hesitate a bit and told them how they could donate their cookies to troops or Broken Arrow Neighbors (our troop's "Gift of Caring" recipient). My heart swelled with pride. It's one of our little-hyped Cookie Sale elements, but my favorite. She likes making a difference in her world ... and so do I!

Click here to listen to the interview!

*To those who worry ... yes, the weather was fine once we got past our neighborhood.
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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Girl LOVES Her Swing!

Ice and snow mean nothing more than a day away from school to enjoy her favorite things ... The swing and her music! She said last night (with a dramatic, gushing voice) that her swing was the best birthday present she has EVER had. I can attest that barely a day goes by when she isn't out there with her iPod singing and swinging!
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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back To The 50's!

We are about to see if Tahlequah has the best diner ever!
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Monday, January 12, 2009

Power Dancer

She's electric! Yes, my daughter is the one with metallic legs. How did you guess? This is the advanced class she just started ... And LOVES!
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Thursday, January 01, 2009

Wild New Year

Bringing it in at the auction with some pretty wild things! I have to say that this is one of our favorite places ... Even if we never buy anything, the people are entertaining!
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One Little Light

  Christmas--the first in my "Iona House"--was different than I anticipated. If not for the candlelight portion of the previous Su...