Sunday, May 31, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cleopatra Went To School Today

"Clee-oh-paa-trah! Clee-oh-paa-trah!" The chant made me smile as I stepped outside this morning. The bus was about to leave Cleopatra behind! My little actress had forgotten her speech she had been practicing in bed and raced back to the house to get it. Her sandals were flying as the jumble of miscellaneous costume pieces and tin foil threatened to unleash themselves.

Today was the "Penny Arcade" for second graders where third graders dress up as historical characters and give a little speech about their lives every time a penny is put in their cups. Cleopatra brought in 32 cents!
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Homemade Handicap!

This made me laugh. I thought it was cute. K said it was ghetto.
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Sunday, May 17, 2009


It's hard to keep the spotlight with these two around!
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Saturday, May 16, 2009

My Little Citizen ...

I'm a very proud mom of a proud girl today! I could hardly wait to blog this. Each month, students are chosen from each class as a "STARtastic Student" (like a Student of the Month) for a specific attribute that is a theme for the month. This month? Citizenship. And my daughter's name was called! Here's what the teacher said about her ...

"M--- has a very friendly, easygoing personality. She is polite and always willing to help. I can count on M--- to do what is right. With her positive attitude, she is great example in our classroom."

Talk about proud! I was SO excited and happy for her. Of course, the Girl Scout part of me just LOVES that she was chosen for citizenship. But the mom part of me just wanted to burst. This has been a year for my little one to blossom!
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Friday, May 15, 2009

Finger Caprese

Isn't it dainty? It is my moment of Italy and self indulgence before an attempt to be productive. The scent of fresh basil can transport me to the Italian Riveria. I love it!
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Saturday, May 09, 2009

My Not-So-Little Dancer

At the BYOU2 event, another staff member noticed that my daughter's "Dance" shorts that were planned ended up being "Cheer" sweats (that are still a bit short). Why? She is growing SO FAST! I began to think about how much this "little" one has grown. In less than a year ... 8, 10, 12, and now 14. She is becoming quite a young lady ... and quite a good dancer, I might add. There is nothing like seeing her let loose and have fun dancing.
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The Princess and the Queen

Well ... The Princess and Miss Tulsa! At today's Girl Scout BYOU2 event, my little one had her photo taken with Miss Tulsa, Damaris Pierce. She talked to the girls about having a healthy self image and never letting anything stop them from pursuing their dreams. After that? DANCE TIME! Those girls danced and danced and danced!
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Thursday, May 07, 2009

A Mother's Moment

Looking through old photos of my firstborn ... how I love that smile.
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One Little Light

  Christmas--the first in my "Iona House"--was different than I anticipated. If not for the candlelight portion of the previous Su...