It's not often that I have the opportunity to be on top of a tour bus in the middle of the night in New York City. And quite rare to have that tour bus unmanned with a substitute guide being a native New Yorker yelling at the top of her lungs at the back of the bus! But I have to admit, it was quite the tour and those of us within listening distance would have recommended her for the job. It's a long story and I don't have time to tell it tonight ... but I saw a grouping of photos from that night that got separated from all the others.
This is a drive by view from the scene of our 911 tragedy. Years later, I am amazed to see the efforts are still continuing in this big empty space we call "Ground Zero." It makes me think of how much longer it takes to rebuild after a tragedy. It's not a matter of picking things up and going on from there. Sometimes you have to tear down the structures that can no longer support new growth. There is a massive cleanup effort that may go on for years and years. And most importantly, there is the essential groundwork for something bigger and better in the future. Round the clock, there is something to do.
Not just in buildings, but in life as well. It inspires me to patience and dedication. It gives me hope. There is light shining in the night that brings a promise of a new and better future. It renews my drive to never give up for the best is yet to come.
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