Thursday, December 31, 2009

I'm right here!

Weddings ... and rehearsals ... and dinners ... and photos. I get to be the photo part of a celebration tonight, and while I hope to be the invisible one that no one notices taking their photos, I have to admit there are some precious interactive moments. This photo isn't one of the "money shots" from the rehearsal dinner (no, photos weren't required, but I can't NOT take them - especially when there is a casual atmosphere and family is interacting naturally) but it's my special moment.

This little one (who will ultimately be the star of the evening tonight) was going about her socializing and spied my camera. "Will you take pictures of me?" OF COURSE! She didn't know I had been taking plenty already (good photog!) ... So, with my long telephoto lens, I backed up and started shooting a few. Edging nearer and nearer, I'd have to back up more and more.

"I'm right here!" Her exclamation made me smile.

It seemed odd that I didn't have my camera right in her face. I showed her the long part on my camera and told her because of it, I have to be a little farther away. She asked, "Don't you have flashes?" And I told her I do, but I like to take pictures without flashes. She looked at me like I was quite an oddity.

I turned the camera around and showed her this photo. Her face BEAMED with a wide-smiled surprise! There really were photos happening! My little friend and I have a photo date tonight ... this one with fancy dresses, a few cameras, and even some flashes!
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