Monday, May 17, 2010

Waiting on Laundry

I have finally found a few moments to pull out the camera today. Yesterday? EXHAUSTED. I didn't even bring my camera to a big event (which is unheard of). I didn't even think I'd pull it out for weekly puppy pictures. But I'm glad I finally did. Waiting on laundry has its merits - especially when it means I can capture a moment like this.

The pups are 5 weeks old now. They can't climb the stairs (well - don't know they can climb the stairs) but they can climb the couch! Daisy used to be able to find her retreat here.

My cousins visited earlier and fell in love with the pups. It made me realize how quickly time is passing. Yes, we will need to find homes for the pups, but I almost don't want to think about it! I will definitely miss the cuteness.
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