Sunday, December 09, 2007

Look what I finally found at the airport!

I'm proud of my little girl, who rather accidentally became the poster child (just happened to be with me one day in the summer when a request for a local girl photo came) for this project presented by GableGotwals, a law firm that partners with Girl Scouts! I've been in the airport a few times since this went up, but it wasn't until a recent trip to New York (including a visit to the national Girl Scout headquarters, or GSUSA as I've come to know it).

Shall I shamelessly blog for Girl Scouts of Magic Empire Council? (I have to admit, I love it when these things show up in my media alerts!) My own background with Girl Scouts doesn't go much beyond one year of being a Brownie, so this is pretty new to me. But I am so impressed with the opportunities offered to girls! It's like a "design your own" leadership experience that could really lead girls into great places ... Not to mention gaining the life skills that are such a wonderful part of Girl Scouting! Our council serves nearly 13,000 girls and volunteers with offices in Tulsa, Stillwater, and Muskogee. We are in the process of "realigning" and will be uniting with two other councils and by June of next year will be making a difference across eastern Oklahoma.

So ... I'm not only proud of my little girl, who is a fantasic little Girl Scout, I'm also proud to BE a Girl Scout! Did you know adults can be Girl Scouts? I guess I never thought about it. But all of the leaders, trainers, and volunteers are members - men included!
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MEG said...

Howdy! Was a Girl Scout, then a leader, now a PR manager on staff at the Girl Scouts of Swift Water Council in NH. And yes, your blog came up on my Google alert! We are "realigning" with Girl Scout Council of Vermont in 2008. Congrats on your daughter. I'm also a member of the Association for Women in Communications and we have a huge and very active chapter in Tulsa. Do you know anything about them? Anyway, I just started at GSSWC two months ago -- before that I was a reporter for a 206-year-old newspaper (Google me!). Aren't Girl Scouts great, at all ages? Our council will be 50 next year (our final year as this council) and we have a camp that will be 100 years old that we're having fun finding alumni from. Take care!
Mary Ellen Hettinger, NH

Ingrid said...

How wonderful to make your acquaintance! I will have to look you up on your council Web site when I am at work and make a proper introduction. I, myself, have three months under my belt as the Chief Communications Officer at Girl Scouts of Magic Empire Council.

The editor of Tulsa People mentioned AWC to me, and I really need to look into it. I am relatively new to Tulsa and even newer still to Girl Scouting, so it sounds like a great way to bridge into my new surroundings.

I am in awe of Girl Scouts. I have found some of the smartest, funniest, and most resourceful women I have ever met right here in this organization. I've never really been a reporter, but I am so very curious about the stories that so many of these women have lived!

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