Karsten works for Clear Village and is the project manager
of the whole garden project. I was
asking about the work they do, and the answers I received started making me
What do you do when you go into a place that has lost
hope? Help its people dream again.
What is the key? Trust.
When they still can’t dream, what do you do? Have them share their stories … memories
about neighbors, children, their own childhood, relatives, etc. And as I listened to him describe how it has
worked, it seems that through the very simple action of sharing stories their
dreams were jump started again.
Trust … Dream … Stories … Dreams. I see the connections. And I know there is much more to glean when I
have time to dig beneath the surface and meditate on some of these things. But I see the power of these two things: Stories and Trust.
It makes me want two things:
1) to experience this for myself; and 2) to bring this to others. Of course, I see it so easily in light of Girl
Scouts. As we move forward, it’s almost
as a sluggish giant that has forgotten how to dream. But when we hear those stories about Girl
Scouting, we are revived. We dream
again. And trust? WOW. It’s huge. And after years of constant change (even in
my short time on staff), I can see how the trust factor is essential to dreams
being unleashed once again.
Simple. Powerful.
Stories + Trust = Dreams
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