Friday, January 12, 2007

School Assembly ... in the SNOW!

It's snowing AGAIN ... and I wasn't so sure I'd be able to make it to her school, but I braved the weather and arrived intact! That sounds so weird from a northern girl now living in the south! But down here, it's as if snow equipment doesn't exist! I was absolutely floored when I heard that residential streets are cleared by ...... (drum roll) ...... the residents! Anyway, I was surprised to find so many parents at the school (until I realized they were coming to remove their kids a little early). My daughter kept looking and looking and finally found me in the wings taking photos ... she was VERY happy, especially when she found out she could come home with me after the assembly. I don't own a snow scraper, so a CD cover had to do when we got to the car and it was already icing over! OK - new shopping list: gloves, scraper, earmuffs.
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